Masculine and feminine energy in relationships book

Patricia allen called getting to i do where she talks about masculine and feminine energy in relationships allen provides an explanation for relationships failing. If you dont have any fun in your life and you find yourself just working all the time, you probably have a lot of masculine energy which repels men. A womans guide to taming her masculine energy jada berteaux. When a womans masculine energy is empowered, her own feminine energy can trust, surrender, relax, allow and receive at the level that she desires. Yet you can see the range in feminine and masculine energy.

You cant model my flavor of feminine energy or anyone elses. What is the difference between masculine and feminine energy. And your flavor of femininity is when your openness meets your authenticity. Mar 05, 2018 how to understand the basic nature of masculine and feminine energy, sexual polarity and how to employ these different energies properly to attract the lovers you want effortlessly and avoid. Masculine energy is very clear in its intentionsthere is never a doubt in its mind. The love that is possible when birthed from this union is that of the unconditional sacred heart of divine source.

Its the being okay of following a mans lead and trusting his leadership. If someone with a feminine energy criticizes a masculine persons struggle with their direction in. How masculine and feminine energy natural interact. How and why would i want to balance masculine and feminine energy. Its not womens fault because they even believe that they want a nice guy due to societal programming, but dont actually respond to that sexually. Whats most important to make the law of polarity work for you in relationships is knowing what your true nature is and how it manifests.

They see relationships, love or sex from different perspectives. Expressing emotions is not only a way to keep yourself on a good balance of masculine and feminine energy, its good for your personal health, improves relationships, and builds selfawareness. His book the sex, flirting, dating, hunting and hoping diet is on amazon. Energy also manifests as your aura and your vibe, or that feeling people pick up on when you walk into a room. Allen provides an explanation for relationships failing. Find the balance between your feminine and masculine energy. Fantastic book regarding the masculine and feminine energy in relationships. Basically, it works just like a magnet in the way that opposites attract.

Feminine energies tend to be felt on the left side of the body and masculine energies on the right. The idea of all men being masculine and women being feminine is broken. Surrendering to the masculine energy the feminine woman. Difference between feminine and masculine energies in a.

How masculine men protect womens feminine energy on may 22, 2016 masculine energy is all about breaking free from constraints, overcoming, closing the deal, protecting, providing, leading. Last month we began discussing the difference between feminine and masculine creative energy and what occurs when those energies are out of balance. However, being a feminine man or a masculine woman is not a weakness. Masculine energy influences its environment, not the other way around. Rather, its about projecting an aura of authority and authenticity, which is masculine energy for most men. In particular, testosterone has a wide variety of effects on someones psychology. In other words, masculine energy is everything thats assertive, dominant, expansive, strong, actionoriented, and decisive. If you are a woman wanting to become more feminine definitely read and practice alison armstrongs book and drop deep into your feminine energy. As the inner polarity of masculine and feminine energies balance within us, we shift from the despair of entangled relationships into the bliss of sacred partnership. This fluidity and balance is perhaps best illustrated by the taoist image of the indissoluble relationship and complementarity of yin and yang.

She suggests that men and women far too often choose partners with the wrong type of energy. Embracing the balance of masculine and feminine in ourselves and our partner can help attract the right people and lead to more passionate. First you must cultivate your own natural energy, be it masculine or feminine. I would highly recommend this book to anyone on a self awareness and healing journey looking to attain and maintain healthy relationships with men and self. We all have inner relationships made up of our inner masculines and inner feminines. The feminine aspect of relationship comes when two people pay attention to the relationship s energy instead of rushing to label it.

Giving is an action of our divine masculine, and receiving is an action of our divine feminine, and a balance of both energies. Make no mistake that feminine energy is not submissive nor is it weak. Aug 12, 20 feminine energy is about being, acceptance and receiving while masculine energy is about doing, go getting, goal seeking and giving. How to create a balance of masculine and feminine energy in. I also read a book by alison armstrong called the queens code which taught me the art of. I think this book is much more understandable and doable that some of the other relationship books out on the market. How to dial up the sexual polarity in your relationship.

But the truth is, almost every woman in her feminine energy essence deeply longs for strong masculine energy in a man. This occurs when partners no longer have the play of masculine and feminine energies between them. Heres what each of these energies looks like and how couples can create the perfect balance between them. Nanette hucknall is a psychotherapist, career therapist.

You have to be 100% in your feminine energy at a given time to fully be open tosurrender and let the masculine energy in. Why masculine and feminine energetic polarity is the key to dynamite relationships. Feminine energy or masculine energy knowing your differences. If you are working in a masculine dominated field or have denied the feminine part of you for some time, its important to rebalance. About masculine and feminine energy bettyann heggie. May 10, 20 if one partner is embodying their masculine essence, the other partner will subconsciously begin to embody feminine energy to create polarity, attraction, ease and balance within the relationship. Most of the problems and suffering in love relationships come from a poor understanding of the difference between masculine and feminine energy. As i said in my book, masculine energy is about purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, breaking through barriers, overcoming challenges, accomplishing goals. Nov 02, 2018 heal your masculine and feminine energy.

Any person, male or female, can embody either energy. There are men with masculine energy being their strength and women with feminine energy being their strength. Masculine energy is active and assertiveit knows where its going, and takes action to get there. Gender physics the study of the interdependent opposite energies of masculine and feminine gforce when individuals create a dynamic relationship between masculine and feminine energy which enables them to step from one energy to another and meet the challenges at hand. Masculine and feminine energies are not based on gender. Feminine energy is all about opening up to receive love. We all have a combination of both energies within us, but we all feel more aligned to one over the other. When this balance is lacking, sexual polarity is reduced to the point that two people tend to act more like friends who are roommates, and less like lovers who crave one another.

All of these career women are well dressed and love heels. Crying isnt the only emotion you have, but it is certainly on the top of the list of those you try to hide, push down, or run from. Balancing your dual energies for greater happiness. Bryan and i discussed one of my favorite topics, the essentials of masculine and feminine dynamics in intimate relationships. Divine balancethe sacred union of the divine feminine and. Masculine and feminine dynamics in intimate relationships. I recently overheard a couple on a first date talking about marriage and kids. If you learn how to be in your feminine energy you will start to see a huge shift in the type of men you attract and the lengths they will go to in order to be with you. A guide to healing relationships relationships today are in serious trouble and the institution known as marriage is becoming extinct.

She embodies the frequency of that which she wishes to experience and then she attracts like a magnet. The integration of divine feminine and masculine energy. Here are the steps you need to take to heal the masculine and feminine energies inside you. Mar 30, 2014 charlotte would be the most feminine, then carrie, then samantha starts to get more masculine, and finally miranda has the most masculine energy. The book tracks the original marriage in the garden of eden and shows the true purpose of marriage and how to build your spiritual foundation.

May 22, 2016 how masculine men protect womens feminine energy on may 22, 2016 masculine energy is all about breaking free from constraints, overcoming, closing the deal, protecting, providing, leading. Its about intuition, nurturing, and emotionsits process oriented rather than goal oriented, and it draws state from without, whereas masculine energy draws state. Your authentic femininity has a flavor unique to you. Masculine and feminine energy part 2 mastering alchemy. How to use your feminine energy to attract an alpha male. I would highly recommend this book to anyone on a self awareness and healing journey looking to attain and maintain healthy relationships.

Keep in mind that we are not talking about male and female people. Masculine energy is the container and the water inside the container is the feminine. How masculine and feminine energies impact relationships. Self care opens pathways for the energy, insight and determination we. Masculine and feminine are two poles of the same thing, energy, and when you learn to be conscious of which energy you are using when, it can be incredibly powerful in creating intrigue, attraction and closeness in a relationship with another person. Oct 09, 2018 how masculine and feminine energies impact relationships embracing the balance of masculine and feminine in ourselves and our partner can help attract the right people and lead to more passionate relationships. Her current girlfriend is neither more masculine nor feminine than her and this is causing her to question herself and how she should show up in her relationship. Feb 18, 2020 also, create man time by hanging out with more men, engage in a sport and lift weights to further your masculine quest. Its really important to me that the books i read on female shamanism and. Sep 07, 2016 if you enjoyed this video then youll love peters 5 day change your peer group change your life challenge are you up for it. Polarity then begins to disappear, and often with it, attraction, connection and desire. Powerful traits of feminine energy that create instant. If someone with a feminine energy criticizes a masculine persons struggle with their direction in life, it may kill the polarity between them instantly.

In every relationship, there must be the proper balance of masculine and feminine energy. Men have lost touch with their male identity and are not providing the safety and security for women that true masculinity engenders. Gender physics the study of the interdependent opposite energies of masculine and feminine gforce when individuals create a dynamic relationship between masculine and feminine energy which enables them to step from one energy to another and meet the challenges at hand gender pull the biological or sociological forces that pull an individual toward their expected. Nov 02, 2017 and the womans masculine energy may not show up at first, but it usually does over the course of the relationship. There is so much societal programming that fragment that natural dynamic and masculine and feminine energy when it comes to a relationships. This is how humans work too with masculine and feminine energy being the opposite charges. At the same time women have started to take on more masculine energy, and lost touch with their feminine power. Feminine energy can do 25 things at one time while it swirls and curves. Yin refers to the feminine energies in life, and yang refers to the masculine energies in life.

How to balance your female and male energy the chopra center. And, the masculine energy can totally light up the feminine energy. Understand the wounded masculine and feminine energies. Conversely, feminine energy is rooted in intuition, receptivity, collaboration, creativity and feelings, to name a few. Fear has dominated the feminine as fear became a way to suppress the truth. Although the book title, getting to i do, suggests it is for getting to marriage, the. And the womans masculine energy may not show up at first, but it usually does over the course of the relationship. All people have both masculine and feminine energies in their bodies, their fields and their psyches. Jan 25, 2018 when the masculine and the feminine are in balance, there is fluidity, relationship, a flow of energy, unity, totality.

Jesus was the truest expression of the harmonized divine masculine and feminine in the self. In his book, the way of the superior man, david deida says that the ultimate. One of the most beautiful things about a relationship is that the feminine energy can feed a masculine mans heart. You might be wholly masculine at work but, when it comes to your beloved relationship you relax into the feminine. How to create a balance of masculine and feminine energy. I fell in love with the book, emerging out of a jungian psychological perspective, which gives such a good feel of the energies associated with these four patterns. The divine feminine mother, priestess, goddess, and the divine masculine father, priest, god energy will not go away until the two energies are integrated within each individual and ushered into the heart of humanity. How to nurture your feminine side the chopra center. What is feminine energy and how you can attract masculine. The core of feminine energy is a creation out of thin air. I first learned of the divine feminine while studying acupuncture and chinese medical theory.

Mar 05, 2018 as i said in my book, masculine energy is about purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, breaking through barriers, overcoming challenges, accomplishing goals. Relationships have a frequency of their own, and slowing down and tuning into that is a skill only the feminine can allow. Ideas of what it means to be masculine and feminine are examples of that outside influence on your energy. Whether youre in a relationship and want to make it stronger, or are looking to attract the right partner, you can use this law of opposites. At a time when women are in the workforce and running businesses, we are leading with our masculine energy. May 01, 2018 boys were brought up with the belief to suppress their own divine feminine energy, or in other words. When working in harmony, the sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine can unite, heal and create anything the synergy created by this balanced union catalyzes the forces of creation into manifestation. If i would be simple, masculine energy holds about 40 points of energy and feminine energy holds about 140 points of energy. Your energy vibe comes from what is naturally within you, though your environment, experiences, and the people around you. Applied to relationships, the law of polarity works like this. Static masculine, dynamic masculine, static feminine, dynamic feminine. What separates masculine energy from feminine energy. I would love to help you learn, understand and integrate the masculine and feminine energies into your life and business so you can receive the love and success you desire.

In any successful intimate relationship there must be a healthy balance between masculine and feminine energy. Its passive, agreeable and accommodating while masculine energy is active and being in control and often appears controlling. Why feminine energy is kryptonite for men whitney virginia. It is estimated that 40% of all marriages have ended in divorce as of 2008, and projected that at least 50% will end in divorce. Many couples, over time, lose the passion in their relationship.

The author really dives deep into the aspects of feminine energy and how to use it to your advantage. Once you understand and embrace the energy youre putting out, you will attract more of the. In its physical form, masculine energy, and feminine energy are influenced by hormones and the interaction of testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol a suppressant of testosterone. Nov 22, 2017 collectively, society has hidden and covered up feminine energy for fear that transparency means weakness. This is where the division of masculine and feminine energy starts.

By definition, in order for you to open to your feminine radiance, it has to be authentic for you. Feminine energy is very expansive, very creative, and very fluid. Nothing can resist her magnetizing nature, and thus it must be hers. The feminine energy is never truly free unless and until the masculine energy shows up for real, and is ready and willing to protect and serve. Become the high value feminine woman men adore alex in. Feminine energy is the most attractive thing to alpha type masculine energy men. The first two steps give you the ability to accomplish everything else so dont skip them they are far more important than 99. Im going to paradigm shift how you perceive your intimate relationships for the rest of your life. Sep 26, 20 in any successful intimate relationship there must be a healthy balance between masculine and feminine energy. Masculinity does not receive, but rather it goes forth. The masculine is here to keep us safe and create a container. In romantic relationships, polarity shows up as masculine and feminine energy. For a beloved relationship to keep the spark of the sexual and attraction energy, the partners must choose to predominate in either the masculine or the feminine energy.

In the broadest terms, the feminine is a containing pattern of energy. The magic of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. This was a text book used in one of my classes in a masters program in transpersonal psychology. Dec 11, 2018 the core of feminine energy is a creation out of thin air. Masculine and feminine energy part 1 mastering alchemy. No matter what gender or orientation, we all have access to some wonderful masculine and feminine. You can also look at the men they attract to see how they get their opposite energy. Mar 18, 2010 one of the most beautiful things about a relationship is that the feminine energy can feed a masculine mans heart. Like batteries, a relationship needs both a positive masculine and negative feminine pole to generate electricity and create attraction. Also, create man time by hanging out with more men, engage in a sport and lift weights to further your masculine quest.

Patricia allen called getting to i do where she talks about masculine and feminine energy in relationships. So not only are these masculine and feminine energies essential life energies to be expressed and experienced in the world, but sexual polarity is the main energetic force that ignites the passionate flow of sexual attraction that arcs between the masculine and feminine poles in romantic relationship. Unlike the masculine energy, the feminine energy doesnt need to apply 10step to manifestation. This is all about the creative energy that we each can tap into and utilize. Celebrating the feminine, honoring the masculine matt kahn. If youre looking for a satisfying and fulfilling relationship, you must first. The masculine and feminine poles between people create a flow of sexual energy in motion. T odays blog post celebrates the divine feminine by calling forth the highest consciousness of its masculine counterpartno matter the gender of your body.